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Janata Shikshan Sanstha's

Kisan Veer Mahavidyalaya, Wai

Tal-Wai, Dist-Satara, Maharashtra(India)-412803

NAAC Status - Grade 'B+' CGPA (2.66)

The College has purchased the Plagiarism Checker X software through which the researchers can check their research papers as well as research work. The software is installed on the computer of Library department. It is open for the entire faculty members as well as students of the college.

Ethics in Research

Code of ethics in research involves the application of fundamental ethical principles to be followed in research activities, including scientific research. Research, education and extension are integral parts of any higher education institute. The reputation of institution depends on quality of research and education. NAAC gives substantial weightage to quality and quantity of research undertaken by faculty and students of the Institute. UGC as well as Shivaji University expect certain ethics followed by institution in their research activities. To fulfill these expectations Kisan Veer Mahavidyalaya, Wai with deliberation with researchers and worldwide ethics followed has formulated certain code of ethics for research in the college.

Policy and Ethics in Research