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Janata Shikshan Sanstha's

Kisan Veer Mahavidyalaya, Wai

Tal-Wai, Dist-Satara, Maharashtra(India)-412803

NAAC Status - Grade 'B+' CGPA (2.66)

For the last 10-15 years, the farming community residing in Maharashtra has been affected only because of reason beyond the control of human beings i.e. Natural calamity, constant/continuous severe drought condition, uneven rainfall, thunderstorms/cyclones, due to climatic changes and imbalance of mother earth leading to crop failure, high indebtedness etc. having cascading effects i.e. mismatch in cost of crop production, steep fall in its sales realization leading financial stringency to the farming community has resulted in incremental rise in suicidal deaths of farmers of rural Maharashtra. The victims of their acts are their dependent school/college-going boys/girls. That hampered the lives of such bereaved families in the recent days.

Late Shri. Prataprao Bhosale, President, Janata Shiskhan Sanstha, Wai, with his deep sense of humanity, has started a unique initiative i.e. Adoption of victim boys (for rehabilitation of those families affected by suicidal death of concerned farmers) by offering 100% free education along with lodging, boarding, college uniforms, necessary clothes and books with all educational material required and all day-to-day needs.

The President wrote a letter to the Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra, for deputing the victim boys of the farmers who have committed suicides with legal documents for admission in Jai Kisan Boys Hostel through the concerned district Collectors and Tahsildars. On our request, the concerned District Collectors and Tahsildars have supported us by deputing affected boys to our Hostel along with legal proof of documents pertaining to suicidal deaths of the said farmers for their livelihood, stay and education in the college. The hostel is fully equipped with all amenities for lodging, boarding, Library, Playground, Sports facilities with all equipments besides books, study material, medical facilities and other extracurricular activities.

The Sanstha aims at providing all facilities for education to these victim boys for their progress and all-round development for standing them on sound footing and for preparing them to shoulder the responsibilities of their bereaved families in absence of their beloved father in future. This will minimize the pressure on the Government of Maharashtra to a large extent besides providing permanent solution for survival of human beings from natural calamities.

The Hostel building having 15000 sqft. (Cost Rs.200.00 lakhs) is ready for accommodation of 250 boys. There are 28 students who have already joined. They are being provided all facilities such as bathrooms, toilets. beds, cots, bedsheets, shawls and blankets with all essential facilities under the common roof of the Hostel. The victim boys staying in Jai Kisan Boys Hostel are free to avail of all facilities in our complex, i.e. education, sports, library, Computer lab, vocal and instrumental music, Army & Police Pre-recruitment Training, Library Management Certificate Course, other short term courses along with sports facilities by using Playground and Indoor Sports Hall.

The construction of Jai Kisan Boys Hostel was duly funded by the Principal, the Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff and Alumni Association of the college.