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Janata Shikshan Sanstha's

Kisan Veer Mahavidyalaya, Wai

Tal-Wai, Dist-Satara, Maharashtra(India)-412803

NAAC Status - Grade 'B+' CGPA (2.66)

Janata Shikshan Sanstha’s Kisan Veer Mahavidyalaya, Wai has introduced Mentor-Mentee Scheme to cater to the various needs of the students. A mentor is a teacher who advises and helps the students(mentees) in the college. A mentor helps Mentee/s for the personality development. The mentor's role is to guide, to give advice, and to support the mentee/s. A mentor can help mentee/s improve the abilities and skills through observation, assessment, modelling, and by providing guidance.


1. To monitor academic enhancement of the mentee/s continuously
2. To monitor attendance and performance in internal and semester exams of the mentee/s and provide a support system to guide and motivate the mentee/s
3. To identify and solve personal and health related problems of the mentee/s

With this purpose, a well-structured mentor-mentee system has been developed in the college. The teachers in the college as mentors have been allotted a number of students under this system. The IQAC prepares the list of Mentor-mentees and allots the students to all the teachers.The list is shared on the WhatsApp group. The mentor collects all the personal and educational information of the mentee/s. The mentor focuses on the needs of the students and regularly monitors the student progress. The mentor establishes consistent communication and counsels him/her wherever and whenever necessary and closely monitors the growth of the students. The mentor bridges the communication gap between parents and the college by regularly updating the parents about the student’s progress and updates from the college.

The college takes the help of social media to interact with students. Occasionally, students discuss about their difficulties in syllabus with teachers on WhatsApp groups. Instructions and Suggestions are also posted on the respective WhatsApp groups. Teachers keep the record of regular attendance of students. If any student remains irregular, it is informed to his/her parents. At the beginning of academic year, a diagnostic test is conducted to know the previous knowledge of the students. Admission committee counsels the students at the time of admission. Orientation programme is organized to familiarize the students with various subjects. The mentor conducts the meetings and discusses various problems such as academic, financial, familial and so on from time to time. Slow learners are identified and remedial classes are conducted for improving their academic performance.

Role of a Faculty Mentor

1. To take the lead in supporting a mentee for his/her welfare through one-to-one relationship.
2. To build a relationship of trust by caring and planning.
3. To serve as a positive role model.
4. To motivate mentees for interdisciplinary research/innovation within a group.

Desirable Qualities of a Mentor

1. Good listener
2. Encouraging and supportive
3. Patient and flexible.

Responsibilities of a Faculty Mentor

1. Meet the mentee students either online or offline.
2. Make the mentees aware of existing system of the institute related to academic, professional development and guide on personal matters as well.
3. Discover talents and interests of mentees and encourage them to exhibit them by participating in various activities.
4. Motivate the students to follow ethics, good practices and universal human values.
5. Guide mentees regarding the importance of training programs, internships, industry visits, students’ committees at the institute, club activities, seminars, workshops, conferences, examination norms, general structure of the scheme, MOOC courses etc.
6. Keep the record of academic and other professional activities of mentees.
7. Contact parents/guardians if situation demands e.g. irregularities, negative behavioural changes and interpersonal relations, detrimental activities etc.

Responsibilities of a Mentee

1. Respect the mentor
2. Regularly attend the meetings with the mentor and strictly follow the instructions given by mentors.
3. Keep the mentors updated regarding academic and other professional developments.

Responsibilities of the Institute Coordinator of Mentor- Mentee System

1. Allocate mentors to all students.
2. Support the mentors for effective implementation of mentor-mentee system at the institute level.
3. Submit the annual report to competent authority.
4. In case of any issue related to mentor-mentee system, the faculty mentors may write to the Coordinator of Mentor-Mentee Committee